Administrator Education Committee

Administrator Education Committee

The Administrator Education Committee is a Standing Committee as specified in the NCTR Constitution. Its purpose is to provide the President, the Executive Committee, and the Executive Director with advice and counsel in the development and implementation of initiatives and programs targeted to the administrators of NCTR member systems. Traditionally all members of the Committee are administrators.

Duties and Responsibilities

Working with the President, the Executive Committee, and the Executive Director, the Administrator Education Committee is responsible for assisting in the planning of the program for the annual System Directors’ Meeting. Similarly, the Committee may be asked to provide input concerning the program for the Annual Conference of NCTR. The Committee shall also be responsible for carrying out any actions assigned to it in NCTR’s Strategic Plan.

The Chairperson of the Committee shall be prepared to deliver a brief report of the Committee’s activities at the Annual Conference Business Meeting of NCTR.

Administrator Education Committee 2024

  • Jan Goodwin, Chair, Administrator, New Hampshire Retirement System
  • Thomas Williams, NCTR Executive Committee Liaison
  • Travis Almond, Administrator, South Dakota
  • Cassandra Lichnock, Administrator, CalSTRS
  • Jay Stoffel, Administrator, Minnesota TRA
  • Steve Russo, Administrator, Indiana PERS
  • Greg Samorajski, Administrator, Iowa PERS
  • Katherine Whitney, Administrator, Louisiana TRS
  • Rebecca Wyke, Administrator, Maine PERS

 Note: Pursuant to the NCTR Constitution, the President and President-Elect shall be ex-officio members of all committees